What is Lease-to-Own?

You have a need for an appliance, because yours is broken; furniture, because you moved; electronics, because you want something new. It doesn’t matter the reason for your need, the important thing is you can get what you need without debt and without ruining your credit. It’s called Lease to Own.
The lease to own process is simple and affordable. The payments are based on your schedule and what is most convenient for you. If at any time, you no longer want or need your items, you are under no obligation to keep them. It really is that simple. We handle delivery, pick-up, repairs, and replacement. If you want to get a new item at the end of your lease agreement, simply sign up for our newsletter and watch for hot new products.
If you have any questions or want to know more about UHR and the leasing process, we would love to hear from you. Contact Us and we will be glad to help.